AABANY Co-Sponsors Trivia Night at Goldie’s Tavern in Koreatown

On May 15, 2024, AABANY enjoyed participating in trivia night at Goldie’s Tavern with LGBT Bar NY and New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers (NYSTLA). Members bonded over shared history including attending the same law schools or growing up or working in the same geographic locations outside of NYC. The teams weren’t the most successful at trivia, but many lawyers were able to discuss possible client referrals. We look forward to more networking together soon. 

This event was led by Alysha Naik, AABANY Membership Director for FY25. To learn more about the Membership Committee, go here. Thanks to Alysha for helping to put the event together and the LGBT Bar NY and NYSTLA for joining us in this fun event.

AABANY Members Participate in Multi-Bar Association Trivia Night at Jack Rabbit in Buffalo on May 14

On May 14, 2024, as part of AABANY’s efforts to expand its presence across the state, over a dozen current and prospective AABANY members participated in a trivia night against other bar associations in Western New York.

Although the three AABANY teams were not the most successful at trivia, they enjoyed networking and meeting new lawyers in the area at an event with approximately 50 new colleagues. Other participating organizations included NYS Academy of Trial Lawyers, WBASNY, Desmond Inn of Court, Mura Law, M&T Bank, and Hamberger & Weiss.

The event was so successful that AABANY is planning another one to take place later this year that will be open to more organizations. This event was led by Alysha Naik, AABANY Membership Director for FY25. To learn more about the Membership Committee, go here. Thanks to Alysha for helping to put the event together and for all the organizations that participated in this fun event.

AABANY Membership Committee Hosts Meet the Board Series Event Featuring President Karen Kim and Board Director Won Shin

On Thursday, July 20th, 2023, the AABANY Membership Committee held the first event of the Meet the Board Series this year, at which attendees heard from AABANY President Karen Kim and AABANY Board Director Won Shin about their respective careers. The event was hosted by FTI Consulting in Midtown Manhattan, and co-sponsored by AABANY’s Women’s, Government Service & Public Interest, and Prosecutors’ Committees.

At the beginning of the night, attendees chatted and mingled over dinner before sitting down to participate in a Q&A session with Karen Kim and Won Shin moderated by Membership Director Christopher Bae. Christopher started by asking how the two became involved with AABANY, their most memorable cases, and how working with AABANY has changed their careers.

Won talked about his early career, starting with his work as a litigation associate at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz for six years, his position as Assistant Solicitor General at the New York State Attorney General’s office and his stint in complex frauds and cybercrime in the United States Attorney’s Office. Finally, Won described his entrance into his office’s appeals unit, where he now serves as Chief of Appeals of the Criminal Division. 

Karen spoke about her work at a small firm doing mainly litigation, residential real estate, and construction law, before serving as Vice President of Operations and Strategic Development at Minority Corporate Counsel Association in D.C. and finally landing a position at QBE Insurance through former AABANY president Linda Lin. Karen believes her experience at the small firm she first worked at prepared her for her presidency at AABANY, because she worked on “a hodgepodge of everything” in both positions. 

Christopher turned to the guests for one last question before taking inquiries from the audience. “So how do mentees make themselves stand out so that you would want to mentor them? What can younger attorneys be doing to find more than a mentorship in name and instead build an actual relationship with you?”

Karen paused to think of an answer. “Well, I like chocolate.”

After around half an hour of audience questions, Christopher concluded with a round of rapid fire questions for Karen and Won. We learned that Won’s favorite legal show is “Jury Duty,” and Karen’s favorite judge, past or present, is Judge Judy (the TV judge, not Hon. Judy Kim). The evening wrapped up with more mingling and enjoying food and drinks in FTI’s stylish and modern space.

Thank you to Karen Kim and Won Shin for sharing your experience and wisdom with us, and Christopher Bae for moderating an insightful conversation. We look forward to hosting more Board Members in the Meet the Board Series. To learn more about the Membership Committee, go here.

AABANY Member Profile: Christopher Bae Runs for New York City Council

Christopher Bae, a prominent member of AABANY’s leadership team, is running for City Council District 19. Christopher entered AABANY’s Membership Committee early on in his career as an Assistant District Attorney at the Queen’s District Attorney’s Office. Since then, he has been involved in the organization’s leadership, serving on the Board as Secretary from 2021 to 2022 and currently as Membership Director of AABANY since 2022. 

Christopher has greatly enjoyed his work with AABANY and doing so has allowed him to keep a pulse on the concerns of the AAPI community, empowering him to support initiatives he finds important on a personal level, outside of his work as a prosecutor. Furthermore, he is proud to have been part of AABANY’s leadership at a time when membership grew to greater heights than ever before. “When we are all fighting for representation, people want to know just how large your organization and reach is, and AABANY has definitely grown in great strides in that area,” he states. 

During his years as an Assistant District Attorney (ADA) at the Queens County District Attorney’s Office, Christopher was responsible for the prosecution of violent felony offenses. Prior to that, he was involved in appellate work, and the prosecution of misdemeanor cases. Overall, Christopher’s ADA work has exposed him to a valuable range of experiences. Christopher elaborates: “In terms of advocacy, there’s always a back and forth between victims’ rights and the rights of the accused. Having had this experience at a time right now, where all fifty-one current City Council members never had prosecutorial experience, I think that puts me in a very unique situation where I can add more value to the City Council.”

Christopher recalls from his upbringing that his parents stressed the importance of both education and public service. “It’s because my parents trusted the importance of investing in myself and my education that I’m here with the opportunities to run for office that I have now,” he notes with gratitude. Growing up in Queens, Christopher witnessed the transformation of the borough from within, as a flurry of diverse cultures trickled into his classrooms. Inspired by the historic number of women and AAPI Council Members elected in 2021, Christopher hopes to help push the makeup of Queens’ leadership to reflect the diversity of its communities. City Council District 19 covers neighborhoods in Northeast Queens including College Point, Whitestone, North Flushing, Bayside, Douglaston, and Little Neck.

Though District 19 has a nearly 39% Asian population, if Christopher is elected, he will be the first AAPI Council Member representing that district, creating a new milestone in AAPI representation. “To that end, I do think that the more that people see diversity in elected positions, the better it is for our community members to build trust with government and become more civically engaged. Diversity can really only help, not hurt,” says Christpher. If elected, Christopher hopes to focus on initiatives supporting public safety, public education and housing affordability. He voices his support for State Senator John Liu, who is fighting for legislation that would require teaching AAPI history and experiences in classrooms. “This is the type of leadership we need— in the end, this is what representation really means. I’m really proud that Senator John Liu has endorsed me and my campaign,” he states.

Looking back on his campaign, it is hard for Christopher to stop and enjoy the fruits of his labor, amidst the whirlwind of 14-hour work days. However, the interactions between him and his community— when someone stops him on the street and affirms his desire for change— have made all of his work feel ultimately worthwhile. “To that end, I am completely enjoying the process; it is full on pedal to the metal, sprint to the finish line, and I am very happy with where we are at right now,” says Christopher.

As the end of primary elections draws closer, ending on June 27th, Christopher emphasizes the importance of AAPI political engagement. “Asian Americans historically don’t vote, and are not civically engaged— but that’s to the detriment of all of us and our communities. We only have power if we have a seat at the table, and that requires voting and being very purposeful about who represents us and our interests at both the city and state levels,” he states. Ultimately, Christopher urges all community members, regardless of their district, to get involved with their local races, vote, and support AAPI visibility in politics.

To other AAPI individuals who are considering running for public office, Christopher encourages them to join a campaign, even if it’s just on a voluntary basis. “In the end, all you have to do is provide your time, volunteer your hours, and see where it goes from there,” says Christopher.

For more information on Christopher Bae’s campaign, including how you can volunteer or support his candidacy, visit https://www.bae2023.com/, or contact his team at [email protected]

This member profile has been published for informational purposes only and does not constitute and should not be construed as a campaign endorsement.

AABANY Congratulates Muhammad Faridi on his Historic Appointment by Mayor Adams to the Handschuh Committee

On February 21, Mayor Adams announced the appointment of Muhammad Faridi, past AABANY member, as the first Muslim-American representative to the Handschuh Committee, an oversight panel for police practices to investigate political activity.

AABANY Membership Director, Christopher Bae, attended the Mayor’s announcement in City Hall, and offered the following quote:

“Asian-American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) applauds Mayor Adams for appointing Muhammad Faridi as the civilian representative to the Handschu Committee, the first Muslim-American to hold the role,” said Christopher Bae, membership director, AABANY. “With the Handschu Committee charged to ensure that the NYPD is not improperly investigating the Muslim community, it’s long overdue that the Muslim community have representation on the committee. When a government has full participation from its multiracial and diverse religious communities, we are all better for it.”

Congratulations to Muhammad Faridi on this historic and important appointment. To read the full press release, click here.

AABANY Hosts Annual Holiday Party in Person at Cohen & Gresser

On Friday, December 9, 2022, AABANY hosted its first in-person holiday party in three years since the COVID pandemic shutdown.

Our wonderful hosts and sponsors, Cohen & Gresser, along with their Counsel, Joanna Chan, welcomed over 120 AABANY Members and friends to a delicious menu of food, featuring cocktail shrimp, kimbap rolls, sushi rolls, sashimi, veggie pancakes, japchae noodles, bulgogi beef, marinated pork, Chicken Alfredo with penne pasta, Junior’s mini-cheesecakes, and macaroons. Cocktails with clever names such as “AABANY Founders” and “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel” were also on offer, mixed by professional bartenders.

President-elect Karen Kim welcomed the guests and shared her theme for her fiscal year, starting on April 1, 2023, which will focus on mental health and wellness for attorneys. Co- Vice President of Programs and Operations Beatrice Leong, who organized the holiday party, encouraged donations to support the Pro Bono Clinic through text to pledge. Attendees responded to the call by donating more than $1,000 to the Pro Bono Clinic.

We also held a gift raffle by drawing business cards provided by the guests. All winners of gifts were then entered into a Squid Games style final in which participants had to cut shapes out of cookies without breaking them. The winner of that game got a gift card valued at $50.

We thank our Annual Holiday Party 2022 sponsors:
● Cohen & Gresser
● Littler
● Fish & Richardson
Special thanks to Membership Director Christopher Bae for ordering the food, and former VPPO David Sohn for his help with the party. Thanks to everyone who came. We hope you all had a wonderful time!

In the News: Beatrice Leong Interviewed by Stefanie O’ Connell Rodriguez on Real Simple Magazine’s “Money Confidential” Podcast

On July 12, 2021, AABANY Membership Director Beatrice Leong was interviewed by Stefanie O’ Connell Rodriguez on Real Simple Magazine‘s “Money Confidential” podcast. During the interview, which was broadcasted on all major podcast streaming sites, Beatrice, who is a divorce lawyer, discussed the benefits of obtaining a prenuptial agreement before marriage.

The interview talks about the practicality of a “prenup” and the stigmas tied to obtaining one. To hear more about prenups, click on the following links:

Android: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vbW9uZXktY29uZmlkZW50aWFsLXJlYWwtc2ltcGxl/episode/NmI4NDAwNzQtZTBlNi0xMWViLTgzNjEtYzMwMDkzZGU1OTZh?sa=X&ved=0CAQQ8qgGahcKEwjgms-y2t3xAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-prenup-how-do-i-ask-for-one-without-offending/id1552942976?i=1000528585386

Podcast Info: https://www.realsimple.com/money/money-confidential-podcast/money-confidential-prenuptial-agreement

In The News: Beatrice Leong Interviewed on “This is Uncomfortable”

On January 30, 2020, AABANY Membership Director Beatrice Leong was interviewed by Reema Khrais on her podcast called “This Is Uncomfortable.” During the interview which was broadcast on NPR, Beatrice shared a very personal story about why she decided to become a divorce lawyer. After graduating from college Beatrice and her long time boyfriend, someone she had been with since the age of 16, got married and moved in together. He worked as a financial consultant, and Beatrice went to law school. However, their relationship took a turn for the worst when Beatrice uncovered his infidelity. After a long back and forth internally, she realized divorce was her only choice. Having graduated from law school, she decided to be her own advocate and joined a family law practice to learn more about divorce law. Beatrice recounted her own consultation with a divorce attorney, found it cold and unsympathetic, and believed that she would make a better matrimonial lawyer, one who understands the emotional trauma that her clients may be undergoing.

The interview talks about the complicated dynamics that accompany a divorce, including how financially and emotionally draining it can be. To hear more of Beatrice’s story, click on the following link: https://www.marketplace.org/shows/this-is-uncomfortable-reema-khrais/divorce-story/

Congratulations to Beatrice on her interview. If you would like to meet her in person and talk with her about her experiences, consider going to the Membership Mixer on February 19. Details at https://www.aabany.org/events/event_details.asp?legacy=1&id=1325644

Call for Nominations: Membership Director

AABANY thanks everyone who submitted nominations for the election taking place at the Annual Meeting scheduled for February 13, 2019. At this time, we have not received any nominations for the Officer position of Membership Director. If you are interested in applying for this position, please submit your nomination materials by no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, December 28.

As set forth in the Bylaws, section 5.4 (g):

The Membership Director shall: (i) receive and process applications or renewals of membership, and promptly notify acceptance or non-acceptance of the same; (ii) create and maintain accurate and up-to-date records of the membership of the Association, including categorizing the Members into their respective membership categories; (iii) maintain mailing addresses for each Member and person or organization doing business with the Association; (iv) advise members when their membership will expire and request renewal of the same; (v) at the request of the President or the Board, prepare a list of Members; and (vi) assist the other Officers in the performance of their respective duties and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board or by the President.

The Membership Director is supported in the above functions by AABANY staff, and per the bylaws, section 6.05, “shall be the Chair of the Membership Committee.  The Membership Committee shall develop recommendations for programs and services that will meet the needs of the membership and encourage new Members to join the Association. The Membership Committee shall assist with the provision of general membership functions, such as application, renewal, and notice of expiration of membership.”

To apply for this Officer position, please submit:
(i) a statement of interest declaring your intent to run; and
(ii) a current resume, biography or CV listing your experience and accomplishments and any honors received to date.

As part of item (i), please indicate your experience with AABANY if you have been an active member, describing any activities that you have participated in or helped to organize. If you have not been an active member in AABANY, explain what capabilities, resources, talents, skills, expertise, experience or any other contributions the Membership Director. Please also identify any activities indicating a dedication and commitment to issues of importance to the Asian Pacific American community.

You may email your application in Word or PDF to [email protected]. You may fax your nomination to (718) 228-7206. If you wish to submit by regular mail, it must reach AABANY by no later than close of business, December 28, at the following address:

Best wishes for a happy holiday season!