NYIC and NYS Dept of State Office of New Americans Present: Immigration Law Training in Buffalo

The New York Immigration Coalition in collaboration with The New York State Department of State Office for New Americans Presents Two-Day Immigration Law Training Schedule Free for all ONA groups and non-attorney staff of non-profit agencies.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 & Wednesday, September 3, 2014
All trainings will be held at the Catholic Charities Immigration & Refugee Assistance Program 20 Herkimer Street, Buffalo, NY 14213

Tuesday September 2, 2014

8:30AM – 10:20 AM:  How to Obtain BIA Recognition for Your Agency and Become an Accredited Representative (No CLE)
Instructor: TBA
In this training, we will cover in detail the requirements for obtaining Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) Recognition for your non-profit agency so that it may provide immigration legal services through Accredited Representatives. We also will cover the requirements for obtaining accreditation for individual non-attorney employees of recognized agencies.

10:30AM – 12:30PM Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – Initial and Renewal Applications (2 CLE*)
Instructor: Karen Andolina Scott, Esq., Managing Attorney of Journey’s End Refugee Services
This training will cover the basic eligibility requirements for initial and renewal applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as well as walk through filling out the Form I-821D, Form I-765, and Form I-765WS.  The training will also discuss the potential documentation to include with a request packet.

01:30PM – 05:30PM Hot Topics in Immigration Law (4 CLE*)
Instructor: Jamie Maddalena of Fiegel Maddalena Law. 
This training provides an overview of basic concepts in immigration law, including immigrant and non-immigrant visa categories, adjustment of status, consular processing, and citizenship.  It will also address current trends in interpretation and processing of the most common types of applications. No prior knowledge of immigration law is required.

Wednesday September 3, 2014

08:30AM – 10:20AM: Naturalization and Citizenship (2 CLE*)
Instructor: TBA
This training will cover basic topics relating to naturalization and citizenship. Topics will include acquisition and derivation of citizenship, eligibility for naturalization, impediments and bars to naturalization, practice and procedure authorization and practical issues when dealing with foster-care caseworkers, Administration for Children’s Services, and family-court law guardians.

10:30AM – 12:30PM Immigration Consequences of Criminal Activity (2 CLE*)
Instructor: Sophie Feal, Supervising Immigration Attorney of Erie County Bar Association Volunteer Lawyers Project, Inc.
This training will review the various immigration law issues faced by non-citizens who have been convicted or accused of criminal conduct. The training will cover the criminal bars and waivers for noncitizens seeking lawful permanent residence or other lawful status, criminal grounds of removal and waivers applicable to lawful permanent residents, and good moral character bars and deportation risks for lawful permanent residents with criminal records who are pursuing naturalization. It will also touch on detention issues and intake strategies.

03:30PM – 05:30PM USCIS Field Office Visit (No CLE)

To register, click here.

New York Immigrant Assistance Consortium: “This Land is Your Land, Too: Working Together for Immigrant New Yorkers”

Please save the date for the inaugural conference of the New York Immigrant Assistance Consortium:

“This Land is Your Land, Too: Working Together for Immigrant New Yorkers”

June 9th, 2014
Hosted by New York Law School
New York, New York
In partnership with the New York Immigration Coalition and the New York State Office for New Americans
Featuring panels on:
Anti-Immigration Fraud Efforts & Capacity
Moderated by: JoJo Annobil of the Legal Aid Society
Outreach and Organizing with Community Partners
Moderated by:Marika Dias of Make the Road New York
Ethical Challenges of Direct Services and Representation
Moderated by: C. Mario Russell of Catholic Charities of New York
Innovations in Outreach and Service Delivery through Technology
Moderated by: Mark O’Brien of ProBono Net
Communications, Media, Branding
Moderated by: Laz Benitez of the New York State Office for New Americans
Coordination of Pro Bono and Volunteer Efforts
Moderated by: Miriam Buhl of Weil, Gotshal and Manges LLP
National Legalization Efforts
Moderated by: Matthew Burnett of the Immigrant Advocates Network
Private and Public Funding Partnerships
Moderated by:  Christopher O’Malley of the IOLA Fund
Strategic Partnerships with Traditional and Non-Traditional Partners
Moderated by: Betsy Plum of the New York Immigration Coalition

Registration opened on Friday, April 11th, 2014

AABANY Co-sponsors: Achieving Diversity in ADR

The AABANY Litigation Committee encourages anyone interested in pursuing a career as a neutral (arbitrator, mediator, etc.), and, in particular, learning about the specific advantages and challenges as a person of color, to attend the New York State Bar Association’s program entitled, “Achieving Diversity in the ADR Field: Overcoming Old Challenges and Seeking New Opportunities.” The program will be held on Tuesday, March 25th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. and, because AABANY is a participating and sponsoring bar association, the program will offer 2.5 FREE NY CLE credits in Skills to all AABANY members. A panel of renowned ADR providers, scholars, and administrators will discuss their practices for recruiting and selecting neutrals, the efforts they have undertaken to diversify their rosters of neutrals, and their efforts to further expose the users of their ADR services to racially and ethnically diverse panels of arbitrators and mediators. Another panel, moderated by AABANY member Theo Cheng, and comprising distinguished ADR neutrals, will provide perspectives on how to navigate a successful career as a neutral; recommending specific networking, marketing, and promotional activities; discussing how best to leverage diversity issues; and providing practical tips for increasing the opportunities for being selected as a neutral. Finally, there will be a discussion about strategies for addressing cross cultural issues in dispute resolution, followed by a networking reception. For more information go to http://bit.ly/nysbareg.

P.S. For those of you who are experiencing difficulties registering via the NYSBA’s website, you can alternatively send an email to Beth Gould at [email protected] with your full contact information (name, address, email, phone number), indicating that you are a member of AABANY. She will handle registering you for the event.

From Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman’s Office: Labor Rights Forum


On behalf of the Office of the Attorney General we would like to invite you to a Labor Rights Forum on Thursday, March 6, 2014 at 6:30PM. The Attorney General and his Labor Bureau Chief Terri Gerstein will be joined by a panel of Labor Rights experts to discuss important issues impacting our community including: Minimum Wage, Overtime, Laws Related To Tipped Workers, New Laws, and Immigrant Workers. The event will take place at Gregorio Luperón High School—501 W. 165th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Upper Manhattan.

To confirm your attendance or for more information, please email [email protected] or call 212-416-8754

We need your help to ensure the community forum’s success so please circulate the attached flyers and encourage your friends, family and anyone interested to attend.

English Flyer