In Our Own Backyards: The Need For a Coordinated Judicial Response to Human Trafficking
In Our Own Backyards: The Need For a Coordinated Judicial Response to Human Trafficking
Congratulations to Hon. Toko Serita, New York Criminal Court Judge (and AABANY member), who was recently published in the NYU Review of Law & Social Change, in an important article entitled, “In Our Own Backyards: The Need for a Coordinated Judicial Response to Human Trafficking,” Volume 36, Issue 4, page 635. To read more click on the link in the title.
New date: Responding to Disaster in Working-Class New York: Housing and Community After Hurricane Sandy
Seen on the NYU A/P/A Institute website:
This event takes place on December 3, from 7 pm to 9 pm, at 8 Washington Mews, New York, NY, 10003.
Join longtime activists, advocates, writers, and photographers to discuss the effects of natural disasters and poverty on low-income communities of color in New York City.
Panelists include:
Jason Chan, Organizer, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
Bethany Li, Staff Attorney, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Alisa Pizarro, Public Housing Resident and Organizer, Red Hook Initiative
Damaris Reyes, Executive Director, Good Old Lower East Side
Garrett Wright, Staff Attorney, Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center
With introductory remarks by Suketu Mehta, author of the critically-acclaimed Maximum City, and photographs by Open City magazine contributors Gina Chung, E. Tammy Kim, and Yuko Torihara.
Curated by E. Tammy Kim.
Cosponsored by the Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities, Community Development Project at the Urban Justice Center, Good Old Lower East Side, Open City magazine of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop, and Red Hook Initiative.
Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service’s Application Period is Closing
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
A quick reminder: The application period for the Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service closes at noon EST on Wednesday, August 29.
The Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service is a prestigious leadership program for a diverse group of early-career professionals working full-time in public service in New York City. Through sessions twice each month from November 2012 through May 2013, Fellows will enhance their leadership knowledge and skills, deepen their understanding of the public service landscape, hear from top leaders in the field, receive ongoing mentorship from Alumni and Career Guides, engage in strategic career planning, and build a cross-sector network of people committed to public service.
The fellowship is sponsored by the Research Center for Leadership in Action at NYU’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. To be eligible, applicants must work full-time in public service in the New York City area; may not currently be engaged in another significant fellowship; and must commit to attending all fellowship sessions, including a day-long Orientation on November 10, 2012. The program fee is $500.
More information and the application are available here:
For questions, please email [email protected]. Thank you.
Apply for Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service (FELPS)
Applications for the FELPS Class of 2013 Are Now Being Accepted!
The Research Center for Leadership in Action at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service is now accepting applications for the Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service.
The fellowship offers a chance for a diverse group of leaders early in their public service careers to:
- Deepen their understanding of the public service landscape through discussions with senior leaders in the field and Career and Alumni Guides who serve as mentors over the course of the program;
- Gain a clear assessment of their leadership strengths and style and develop their leadership knowledge and skills;
- Think strategically about and plan for their careers based on personal assessments and their unique goals; and
- Build a support network of other talented, dynamic leaders in public service.
The program begins in November 2012 and runs through May 2013. Fellowship sessions twice each month offer structured leadership and professional development opportunities to help Fellows define their path in public service. Program elements include:
Speaker Series. Fellows hear from senior executives across the spectrum of public service organizations. Speakers offer insights into their own career trajectories and guidance on practical strategies for succeeding in public service.
Personal Exploration. Fellows engage in workshops that help them explore their strengths, interests and goals, and they develop a personalized career plan.
Fellows Network. One of the most valuable resources and sources of support for fellows as they move through their public service careers is the other extraordinary fellows. From the very beginning of the fellowship, participants have the opportunity to get to know each other through various events and peer-learning activities in small groups. Upon completion of the program, fellows become part of a professional alumni network of more than 200 people.
To be eligible for the Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service, you must be working full-time in public service in New York City. (Internships and part-time work don’t meet this requirement.) You may not currently be engaged in another significant fellowship program, and you must commit to attending all fellowship sessions, including a day-long Orientation on Saturday, November 10, 2012. The program is fee is $500, which must be paid in full upon acceptance. Please see the Web site for additional details and guidelines. The deadline to apply is noon EST on Wednesday, August 29, 2012.
More information and the application are available at:
NYU Global Social Change Leadership Institute
The Research Center for Leadership in Action (RCLA) at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service will receive applications for the Global Social Change Leadership Institute being held July 8-20, 2012, in New York City for university and graduate students and recent college graduates.
The Institute offers promising leaders a chance to develop practical knowledge and skills to advance social justice in their communities. The curriculum draws on more than seven years of rigorous research RCLA has conducted with award-winning social change organizations about the essential role these nonprofits play in an informed and engaged civil society.
Complete information, including eligibility requirements, the curriculum, tuition, partial needs-based scholarships, and application instructions, is online here.
The deadline to be considered for Early Admission is Friday, February 24, 2012. The deadline to apply for Regular Admission is Thursday, March 15, 2012.
A flyer with program details is available online here. Please contact [email protected] for further information.