Here’s Your Chance for a Complimentary #NAPABA24 Registration!

Unlock new career opportunities with our Career Center! We’re excited to announce our Resume Sweepstakes, designed to enhance your visibility to top legal employers and gain access to job openings and career resources.

What do you need to do? From 8/16/2024 to 9/30/2024, just upload your resume to NAPABA’s Career Center. Follow these three simple steps below:

Selected winner will be given a complimentary 2024 Seattle Convention registration or $250 Amazon gift card

Upload your resume today


  • The winner can choose between a complimentary Convention registration OR a $250 Amazon gift card.
  • One entry is given for each resume uploaded up to one entry per user.
  • No purchase or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win.
  • Only resumes uploaded between 08/16/2024 at 8:00am ET and 09/30/2024 at 11:59 pm ET will be counted.

Please review the official rules prior to participating. Please note that uploaded resumes are visible to potential recruiters and employers. To view how employers see an uploaded resume, click here.

OATH Legal Internship Program Summer 2023

The City of New York’s Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) is the nation’s largest central administrative tribunal, independent of the agencies that commence these proceedings. OATH conducts nearly 300,000 trials and hearings each year through its Trials Division and Hearings Division.

OATH Trials Division conducts complex adjudications for a wide range of legal matters such as employee discipline, discrimination under the City Human Rights Law, NYPD vehicle seizures, zoning and landlord- tenant disputes under the Loft Law, professional license revocation, and City vendor contract disputes.

OATH Hearings Division conducts high volume adjudications involving:

  • Violations of law that protect and promote health, safety, and a clean environment, as enforced by agencies such as the Department of Buildings, the Fire Department, the Department of Sanitation, and the Department of Environmental Protection;
  • Violations of the City’s Health Code and related laws by restaurants and food vendors, as enforced by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;
  • Summonses issued by the Taxi & Limousine Commission, the Port Authority of NY and NJ, or the NYPD, against owners and operators of taxis and other for-hire vehicles;
  • Consumer protection laws that prohibit sale of tobacco to minors and home improvement contracts, as regulated by the Department of Consumer Affairs; and
  • Violations under the Criminal Justice Reform Act, which authorizes issuance of civil summonses for certain low-level offenses formerly brought to criminal court and offers the option of community service in place of monetary civil penalties.

OATH’s Administrative Judicial Institute offers administrative judicial training and CLE classes citywide.

Working within various divisions, including the Office of the General Counsel, interns will develop research and writing, communication, and analytical skills. Typical assignments include: preparing summaries of trial or hearing records; drafting appellate decisions based on the hearing record and relevant law; researching and drafting memoranda of law; analyzing proposed legislation and rules that impact OATH; drafting proposed rules; participating in policy discussions; and assisting counsel prepare the defense in challenges to OATH decisions in state or federal court. Interns will attend training workshops. Networking and social events are also planned.

Interested law students should submit a cover letter explaining their interest, with a resume, writing sample (about 10 pages), and unofficial law school transcript. Applications should be submitted to Frank Ng, Deputy General Counsel, at [email protected]. Deadline is March 6, 2023.

The internship is a paid position. Any arrangements, paperwork, or information needed from OATH to receive outside funding, work study, or academic credit must be made before the start of the internship.

For more information about OATH, visit the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings website.

Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Panel Applications Now Open for US Court of Appeals, 2d Cir.

The Criminal Justice Act Committee of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is accepting applications for service on the Court’s Criminal Justice Act Panel. CJA Panel Members represent indigent criminal defendants and petitioners for habeas corpus.

Admission to practice before this Court is a necessary qualification for membership on the Panel. The Court seeks attorneys of superior experience and proven competence in federal appellate criminal defense work. The qualifications of attorneys applying for service on the Panel will be examined by the CJA Committee’s Attorney Advisory Group, which will make recommendations for membership on the Panel. Membership on the Panel will be for a term of one to three years, at the discretion of the Court. Attorneys currently serving on the panel need not reapply until the expiration of their present term.

Application forms for membership on the Criminal Justice Act Panel are available at the Court’s website, or by calling 212-857-8702.

A signed original application, one copy of each of your appellate briefs, and three paper copies of the completed application and your resumé, along with a CD containing both your completed applications and resumé, must be received by the Clerk of Court by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 3, 2023.

Please check the Court’s website periodically for CJA developments.

Apply for US Magistrate Judge SDNY by Feb. 28, 2023

The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York is accepting applications for full-time Magistrate Judge positions at New York, NY. The duties of the position are demanding and wide ranging and will include: (1) conduct of preliminary proceedings in criminal cases; (2) trial and disposition of misdemeanor cases; (3) conduct of various pretrial matters, including settlement proceedings, and evidentiary proceedings on delegation from the judges of the district court; (4) trial and disposition of civil cases upon consent of the litigants; (5) inquests and reports and recommendations on dispositive
motions and evidentiary matters on reference from the judges of the district court; and (6) assignment of additional duties not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Candidates should submit hard copies of the applications to the physical address below and email a copy to: [email protected].

Edward A. Friedland
District Court Executive
United States Courthouse
500 Pearl Street, Room 820
New York, NY 10007-1312
Tel: 212-805-0500

An original plus fifteen (15) copies of a cover letter, resume and application must be received by February 28, 2023. Application forms are available on the Court’s web site:
(Subject to funding, multiple vacancies may be filled from this posting.)

For more details, including the application form, click here. 

**Deadline extended from the October 26, 2022 posting.

**If you applied to the previous posting, you do not need to reapply.

AABANY Presents: Resume Review Workshop at NYU Law School

On October 16, AABANY’s Student Outreach Committee presented a resume review workshop at New York University School of Law. Practicing attorneys from various fields attended the event to review the resumes of 30 students from NYU’s APALSA group and provide the students with useful substantive feedback on their resumes. The attorneys also offered 1-on-1 advice about networking, job hunting, how to succeed in the legal profession, and answered questions about their respective practice areas.  

Thanks to all the NYU APALSA members who attended. A special thanks to all of the attorneys including Christopher Bae, Ming Cheung, Eunkyong Choi, William Hao, Jonathan Li, Daniel Ng, Aakruti Vakharia, Sahng-Ah Yoo, and Alice Zhang who took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event and be a resource for the students. We look forward to seeing NYU APALSA members taking part in upcoming AABANY events.

AABANY Co-Sponsors: Resume Review Workshop

On Thursday, March 28th, AABANY’s Student Outreach Committee hosted a Resume Review Workshop in collaboration with Fordham Law School’s APALSA. Students had the opportunity to meet experienced attorneys and receive substantive feedback on their resumes. The attorneys also offered 1-on-1 advice about networking, job hunting, and answered questions about their respective practice areas. Attendees enjoyed chicken kebabs and Mediterranean tapas from Kashkaval Garden.

Thanks to all the Fordham APALSA members that attended. A special thanks to all the attorneys that took time out of their busy schedules to participate in the event and be a resource for the students. We look forward to seeing Fordham APALSA members taking part in upcoming AABANY events.

We also thank Aakruti Vakharia, Student Outreach Committee Co-Chair, for this write-up.

AABANY Board: Call for Nominations – Deadline March 13, 2014

The amendment to AABANY’s By-Laws approved at our 2014 Annual Meeting increased the number of Directors by two thereby creating two new Director vacancies that the Board intends to fill at its March 18, 2014 Board Meeting. The Nominations Committee welcomes and will accept applications to fill these vacancies immediately, and will select a slate of candidates to be recommended for the Board’s consideration at its March 18, 2014 meeting.

If you wish to run for any of the above vacancies, you must be a current, paid member of AABANY. If you are unsure of your membership status, contact Irene Tan, Membership Secretary, at [email protected]. Please also submit (i) a statement of interest declaring your intent to run; and (ii) a current resume, biography or CV listing your experience and accomplishments and any honors received to date. As part of item (i) please indicate your experience with AABANY if you have been an active member, describing any activities that you have participated in or helped to organize. If you have not been an active member in AABANY, explain what capabilities, resources, talents, skills, expertise, experience or any other contributions you would be able to make as a Board member. Please also identify any activities indicating a dedication and commitment to issues of importance to the Asian Pacific American community.

For a description of the qualifications, duties and obligations of Directors please see Articles IV of AABANY’s By-laws which can be found at:

Deadlines for submissions: March 13, 2014

You can e-mail your submissions in Word or PDF to [email protected]. You can also fax them to (718) 228-7206 if you prefer to use fax. If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact Mike Huang, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at [email protected].

From JPMorgan Chase: Networking Reception on April 7

JPMorgan Chase & Co. Legal Department is hosting a networking reception on April 7, 2014 @ 6:00PM for APA attorneys that are potentially interested in joining our Legal Department.

If you are interested in attending and meet the following criteria, please submit your resume along with a brief bio (no more than 3-4 sentences long) of yourself, expertise and/or interest, in confidence, by email to [email protected] with subject line “JPMC” by no later than March 7, 2014. If your resume is selected, you will be receiving an invitation to the event on or about March 17 directly from JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Internally, JPMorgan Chase & Co. will have about 50-60 lawyers and compliance professionals attend the event. Many in attendance will be senior managers, practice group leaders and a couple of recruiters. Senior leaders who have attended similar events in the past have included lawyers from all four lines of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s businesses: Consumer & Community Bank; Corporate Investment Bank; Asset Management and Commercial Bank. In addition, we have had litigators from our Litigation Department attend as well.

There is no guarantee of any employment as a result of this event and/or future guarantees but we hope that if there is a fit and/or a need, we will look to this group as a possibility. Of course, some in attendance may have an immediate need but there are no guarantees.

Criteria/other details for prospective guests:

  • lawyers (private, government, in house, etc.) who have been out of law school and have been practicing in any area of law for 5-15 years; and
  • current dues-paying member of AABANY.

There is no school or GPA requirement. For questions, please write to [email protected]. Please do not contact JPMorgan Chase & Co. unless you are selected. Thank you.