On October 16, AABANY’s Student Outreach Committee presented a resume review workshop and roadshow at NYU. Practicing attorneys from various fields attended the event to review student resumes and provide useful advice on how to succeed in the legal profession.

Right before the resume review workshop, Executive Director Yang Chen addressed NYU’s APALSA members and discussed how Asian Americans suffer from the model minority myth and are vastly underrepresented in positions of influence, leadership, and power in the legal profession. He also shared with them what AABANY is, why we exist, what we do, how we do it and most importantly, how law students can get involved and why they need to start connecting with AABANY, even as law students.

Thanks to all the NYU APALSA members that attended. A special thanks to all the attorneys that took time out of their busy schedules to attend the event and be a resource for the students. We look forward to seeing NYU APALSA members taking part in upcoming AABANY events.