November 6-7, 2024 | Seattle, WA
Application is Now Open
Apply by August 14, 2024 at 8 pm ET
The NAPABA ADR Institute is a multi-day career and skills development program created to provide a broad overview as well as substantive, hands-on training to members who are interested in pursuing a career in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). This program aims to diversify the pool of mediators and arbitrators in the United States and to increase the use of mediation and arbitration by those who attend the training. The NAPABA Dispute Resolution Committee will provide substantive leadership in the program development and execution as they seek to provide guidance and opportunities to those who may be members of the next generation of leading mediators and arbitrators in the country and to ensure that these mediators and arbitrators also include members of the AANHPI legal community. The training is designed for:
- those interested in incorporating work as a mediator or arbitrator while still advocating;
- those who are interested in pursuing a judicial career and will benefit from serving as a neutral to gain valuable experience before applying for or running for a judicial position; and
- those who wish to pursue a career as a full-time mediator and/or arbitrator, either ad hoc or by joining an ADR provider.
Instructors are ADR thought leaders and the program is supported and guided by leading ADR organizations like JAMS, the American Arbitration Association, and CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution). This program will provide MCLE-accredited training that will provide foundational training and a deeper understanding for the attendees who may pursue different avenues in ADR, including starting a mediation or arbitration practice at their firm, joining an ADR provider so to gain more experience as an arbitrator in their eventual bid to become a judge, or transition their practice to a full time neutral. Over the course of two days, participants will be exposed to topic areas such as:
- Basic introduction to Mediation from a Mediator’s point of view
- Basic introduction to Arbitration and its Phases
- Selecting an Arbitrator: The Process
- Conducting the Preliminary Hearing
- Discovery & Motion Practice in ADR
- The Arbitration Hearing
- Scope and Authority of an Arbitrator
- Writing an Award
- Vacatur & Appeals
- Ad hoc arbitration vs. Administrated Arbitration: Criteria for starting an ADR practice as a solo practitioner vs. joining an ADR provider
- Training / Fellowship Opportunities
Questions? Contact the NAPABA Programs Team.