On May 19, the Career Placement Committee organized another career panel at FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. Those interested in securities regulation learned about the exciting opportunities within FINRA’s marketing intelligence, dispute resolution, enforcement and other divisions. The panelists included:

  • Susan Schroeder, Enforcement
  • Irfan Gilani, Sales Practice
  • Tony Cavallaro, Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence
  • Erroll Angara, Dispute Resolution

Thanks to Irene Tan and Joshua Wong for organizing the panel, the panelists, and all those who attended. See below for AABANY’s live-feed of the event:

If you get lost on the way to the FINRA Career Panel, it’s the same building as Cadwalader – 200 Liberty St!

Thanks to panelists, who belong to many FINRA departments: Enforcement, Sales Practice, OFDMI & Dispute Resolution. pic.twitter.com/nmBrAq16s5

Thanks to Membership Secretary Irene Tan and FINRA’s Joshua Wong for putting together our second panel here. pic.twitter.com/N8bDAvboEi

Susan Schroeder of Enforcement: Those with a legal background are considered for investigator roles and can transition to attorney roles.

Irfan Gilani of Sales Practice: Skills that you pick up in law school work for you as an examiner. You cover the entire regulatory range.

Accounting backgrounds are helpful but not required to be a FINRA examiner.

Tony Cavallaro of FINRA’s Office of Fraud Detection and Market Intelligence: We were created in 2009; we can’t have another Bernie Madoff.

Erroll Angara: Dispute Resolution is great for new lawyers because you help arbitrators understand how to move cases along.

To get more involved in AABANY’s Career Placement Committee, contact Co-Chairs Irene Tan, Robert Leung, or Michael Park. Members, feel free to complete the Career Placement Committee’s Intake Form.