No, WE blog @AABANY did not get taken over by a spambot.  This embed of the theme to “Moonlighting” has been inserted on purpose, to congratulate Susan Moon on her first blog column for Above the Law, which is called, appropriately enough, “Moonlighting."  Those who follow blogs regularly might be too young to recall the show from the ‘80s as the comedy-detective show that launched the career of Bruce Willis.  Yes, indeed, he did have a life before "Die Hard."  I won’t even try to explain to you young whipper snappers who Cybil Shepherd or Al Jarreau are.

Anyway, read on to learn more about the life of that magical creature we all envy called "The In-House Counsel."  (Click this link.)  We look forward to reading more of Susan’s entries in the weeks ahead.  Congratulations, Susan!