Congratulations to Ben Chan, recipient of AABANY’s MVP Award, presented during the cocktail hour of AABANY’s Annual Dinner held on February 29 at Cipriani Wall Street. Ben thought we were just doing a photo shoot of Committee Chairs at the step and repeat, and then President Jean Lee sprung the award on him, citing his years of dedication and commitment to AABANY and its mission. Ben has put in long hours year after year to help make AABANY great, particularly in working with law students and pre-law students, both APAs and non-APAs, as they contemplate futures in the legal profession. For the last few years, Ben took on a leadership role as Co-Chair of the Student Outreach Committee, and he has been extremely effective in getting volunteer help for the Annual Dinner, Fall Conference and other AABANY events over the years.
Besides that, Ben is a pretty snazzy dresser and probably should have been recognized for his sensational sartorial sense alone.
And now, here’s Ben:
I want to thank AABANY for bestowing upon me the MVP Committee Chair award. I am truly honored, especially when I consider the list of previous recipients- Chris Chan, Francis Chin, and Will Ng. I get a lot of attention because of the things I say and wear, and I get too much credit for the accomplishments of the Student Outreach Committee. Former Student Outreach co-chairs Will Ng and Liza Sohn could make a sack of potatoes look like a competent co-chair. Yang is like our Tiger Dad, always making sure that we’re creating opportunities for students to become involved in AABANY. Finally, Student Outreach wouldn’t be what it is if not for AABANY members like Chris Chan, Sam Yee, Hon. Marilyn Go, Margaret Ling, and many others, who selflessly give their time and money to support students and young lawyers. We owe them a great deal of gratitude.
If you have any thoughts or kind words to send along to Ben, please feel free to do so using our Comments feature.