On Thursday, Dec. 3, Steve Chung led a session on “Group Mentoring: Creating a Strategic Approach to Advancing Your Career.” Steve is Senior Vice President of News for NBCUniversal and he is also a Director on AABANY’s Board.

This event is the first in what Steve hopes will be a regular series focused on various topics dealing with career advancement. In this first session, Steve spoke directly and candidly to a packed room about knowing yourself and developing the ability to present yourself in a positive way. He engaged the group in written exercises and discussions around this topic. He and Paul, Weiss Partner (and Corporate Law Committee Co-Chair) Larry Wee presented role-playing exercises to demonstrate how a younger attorney interacts with (or should interact with) a more senior attorney or a person of authority. Some of the participants got up and shared with the group who they are and what is important to them. Steve offered constructive feedback and advice to each of them. At the end of the evening, Steve asked all the participants to write down their top takeaways from the session and to come up with at least two ways to take action from those takeaways.

Steve offered many valuable ideas, concepts and thoughts that trying to encapsulate them all in a few sentences or a paragraph does not even come close to capturing all the insights and wisdom that he imparted.

No date has been set yet for the next session but rest assured there will be one. Steve plans to invite other speakers for future parts of this series. Judging by the positive reactions already received for this inaugural session, it is probably safe to say that many people are eagerly anticipating the next running of this event. Stay tuned!

Thanks to Steve for giving us his time and sharing his knowledge and advice. Thanks also to Paul, Weiss and the Corporate Law Committee for co-hosting the event. Thanks to everyone who attended, and we look forward to seeing you at the next one.