UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal
UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal
Call for Submissions: Volume 22
The UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal (“APALJ”) seeks submissions for publication in Volume 22. Submissions should be original notes, comments or articles written by practitioners or academics relating to legal, social and/or political issues affecting Asian Pacific American communities. There is no minimum or maximum limit for the length of the submission. All submissions are submitted and assessed anonymously.
To submit for this slating period, you must send your submission electronically to apalj@lawnet.ucla.edu on or before January 31st, 2017 at 12 a.m (PST).
We would be pleased if you could let the others you know that we are seeking submissions. All questions may be directed to us at apalj@lawnet.ucla.edu.
Aaron K. Tso and Timothy Kim
APALJ Editors-In-Chief