AABANY members and friends: Go see this show! It’s the story of Gordon Hirabayashi who, like Fred Korematsu and Min Yasui, challenged Executive Order 9066 which led to the internment of some 120,000 Japanese American citizens without due process and in violation of their constitutional rights. Both Korematsu and Yasui have been subjects of AABANY Trial Reenactments, so if you were moved by those stories, you should not miss this play. Joel de la Fuente (who you might have caught in Amazon’s Man in the High Castle) is a one-man powerhouse in this powerful one-man show.

You want discounts? We got discounts!

  1. The discount code GORDON gets you 20% off the top two ticket prices when you order online or on the phone. 
  2. The back rows are $29.
  3. If you are a student with student ID, you can get the back rows for $21.
  4. There will be $20 rush tickets at the door. 

It’s playing at the Sheen Center, downtown at 18 Bleecker Street, through Dec. 20.

Read more about the show here:


Hope you can go. Bring friends!