On June 21st, 2023, AABANY held its Manhattan Pro Bono Legal Clinic at AAFE (Asian Americans for Equality) Community Center where dedicated volunteers came together to provide free legal services to the community. Thank you to the Pro Bono & Community Service (PBCS) Committee, AAFE, our community partners, and our volunteers! We met with 8 clients and discussed issues relating to immigration, housing, and contracts.

In partnership with AAFE Community Center and other community partners, the Pro Bono Clinic would not be possible without the volunteers’ dedication to serving all members of the community, in both Mandarin and Cantonese. It provides indispensable support to those who may face linguistic or cultural barriers in attempting to gain access to legal services.
The next Manhattan clinic will be on July 19th located at AAFE Community Center, 111 Norfolk Street, NY, NY 10002. You can sign up here to volunteer for our next Pro Bono clinic. For upcoming clinics, please check AABANY’s calendar and update your email preference in your account to receive our emails.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who made this Pro Bono Clinic a success:
Volunteer Attorneys:
- Ashley Shan
- Beatrice Leong
- Chenyi Wang
- Francis Chin
- Gary Yeung
- I-Kai Lee
- Jessie Liu
- Karen Kim
- Kevin Hsi
- Leslie Kan
- Lina Lee
- Shang Zhai
- Susan Song
- Nicholas Loh
- Pang-Mei (P.M.) Natasha Chang
Interpreters & Shadowers:
- Ai Xin Liew
- Anna Bao
- Daphne Mei
- Suzie Yu
- Vincent Tsay