Enter the Our History Our Voice Video Contest

Submit Entries By March 31, 2025

NAPABA is pleased to announce the “Our History, Our Voice” Video Contest for Middle and High School Students across the United States.

This is a joint project of the Center on Asian Americans and the Law at Fordham Law School, the AAPI Crime Victims and Education Fund, and NAPABA. It seeks to engage young Americans with Asian American history told through certain little-known court cases. We want to challenge young people across the country to learn about the cases and retell them through short videos.

For too long, Asian Americans have been treated as foreigners in a country where we have lived and contributed for hundreds of years. Asian Americans have often been denied basic civil rights based on racial background alone. Most recently, during the pandemic, Asian Americans across the country were victimized as a result of being blamed for a disease associated with China. This perception of foreignness has lingered throughout U.S. history and has resulted in Asian Americans being treated as less than full-fledged citizens of our own country. This contest seeks to surface our community’s hidden history and to highlight the historical civil rights struggle of Asian Americans.

We encourage your children to participate. Please share the link for the contest landing page broadly to all of your circles, most especially those involving middle and high school-aged children. Our stories need to be told, and then passed along and retold, most especially by young people.


  • Participants need to be between the ages of 13 and 18 and currently enrolled in middle school or high school.
  • There is a limit of one (1) entry per person, per case.
  • Submit by: March 31, 11:59 PM EST


  • One Grand Prize of $5,000
  • 3 Finalists will be awarded $1,000 per Finalist.

From the Historical Society of the New York Courts: Garfinkel Essay Contest Poll

From the Historical Society of the New York Courts: Garfinkel Essay Contest Poll

Deadline to Apply – David A. Garfinkel Essay Contest

CUNY and SUNY winners will be awarded $1000 each with one winner awarded the New York State (NYS) Community College Grand Prize of $1,500. The winners will also be honored at the Law Day ceremony at the Court of Appeals Hall an event at which the Chief Judge of the State of New York presides and the Governor, the Attorney General, and the Bench and Bar of New York attend. 

DEADLINE: April 5, 2013.

ESSAY TOPIC: ‘Cyberspace and the Law: What are Our Rights and Responsibilities?’ 
Students can choose one of the following questions to develop their essays:

Essay Question 1 – Cyberbullying: Examine the newly-enacted New York law governing cyberbullying and analyze current research on cyberbullying prevention. How do we balance the First Amendment free speech rights of students with the need to prevent the harm (including death) to students who are the targets of cyberbullies?

Essay Question 2 – Digital Piracy: One of the benefits of cyberspace is the ease with which we can maintain contact with our friends and share important aspects of our lives. However, sometimes the things we would like to share are copyrighted artistic works and file-sharing would run afoul of copyright laws. How can we ensure that the rights of both the copyright owners and those of lawful download owners are fair and balanced?

Essay Question 3 – Privacy in Peril: Privacy is the power to control how much other people know about us. Few of us realize the extent to which our Internet activities are tracked or know that our digital footprints remain traceable, often for long periods of time. How can we balance our digital lives and our personal privacy?

Essay Question 4 – Government Surveillance: The right to be free of unwarranted search and seizure is enshrined in the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. But new technologies such as manufacturer installed GPS systems in cars, cell phone tracking and the introduction of surveillance drones in the United States have made widespread law enforcement and governmental surveillance of the American population possible. Is this technology eroding our Fourth Amendment rights and forcing us to change our expectations about privacy in public spaces?


– Visit www.nycourts.gov/history

– “Like” us on Facebook at The Historical Society of the New York Courts 

– Follow us on twitter: @NYLegal_History 

For information on upcoming events and court programs open to the public visit the calendar

How to win a BlackBerry PlayBook: the Rules

Thanks to our Fall Conference sponsor, Sprint, we will be giving away a BlackBerry Playbook tablet PC to one lucky winner from a random drawing that we will conduct after the conclusion of the Fall Conference.  How can you enter the drawing for your chance at winning this great prize?  We offer you four simple ways: Twitter, WE Blog @ AABANY, completing the AABANY Get Connected Survey, signing up to be a Mentor in the AABANY Mentorship Program.


  1. Follow @aabany on Twitter.
  2. Tweet about being at the Fall Conference.  Don’t just say “hello” or “I’m here.” Say something substantive, like your reaction to a program or what a panelist has said, all in 140 characters or less.
  3. Re-tweet any tweets you see about the Fall Conference.
  4. Be sure to mention @aabany in the tweet and use the hash tag #FallConf so that we can locate your tweets quickly.
  5. Send as many tweets as you like, but again they should be substantive or we won’t count them.
  6. Any tweets sent after 5:30 pm will not be counted.


  1. Go to WE Blog @ AABANY. The address is http://blog.aabany.org.
  2. Look for any blog posts that day (Sept 17) related to the Fall Conference.
  3. Enter a substantive comment in response to the post. Just as with tweets, just saying “hello” or “I’m here” will not count.
  4. You cannot enter comments in reply to your own comment.
  5. You can reply to someone else’s comment but it must relate to that comment.
  6. Any comments posted after 5:30 pm will not be counted.

AABANY Get Connected Survey

  1. Fill out the AABANY Get Connected Survey at the conference.
  2. After doing so, present your business card to one of our volunteers and we will enter it into the drawing.  If you don’t have a business card, we will have your name written on a blank card and enter you in the drawing that way.
  3. You can enter only once using this method.

AABANY Mentorship Program

  1. Apply to be a Mentor in the AABANY Mentorship Program at the conference.
  2. After doing so, present your business card to one of our volunteers and we will enter it into the drawing.  If you don’t have a business card, we will have your name written on a blank card and enter you in the drawing that way.
  3. You can enter only once using this method.

Additional Rules

  1. You can use one or more of the above methods to enter yourself in the drawing, except as otherwise stipulated below.
  2. Subject to the above rules, you can be entered multiple times via Twitter and WE Blog @ AABANY.
  3. You can be entered only once each by applying as a Mentor or completing the survey.
  4. If you are already signed up as a Mentor or you have already completed the survey you cannot use those methods to enter the drawing.
  5. This contest is open to everyone attending the Fall Conference but excludes any AABANY Board Members or members of the Fall Conference Planning Committee.

You can enter the drawing at the Fall Conference by signing in with your Twitter username and email address.