NAPABA President A.B. Cruz III Testifies before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property on the Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary

For Immediate Release: 
Date: July 12, 2021

Contact: Edgar Chen, Policy Director

Click here for Testimony.

WASHINGTON – This morning, NAPABA President A.B. Cruz III testified before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property at a hearing entitled, “The Importance of a Diverse Federal Judiciary, Part 2: The Selection and Confirmation Process.” President Cruz’s testimony on behalf of NAPABA highlighted the challenges that Asian Pacific American attorneys often encounter as they attempt to advance in the legal profession. According to the 2017 landmark study “A Portrait of Asian Americans in the Law” (“Portrait Project”) published jointly by NAPABA and Yale Law School, the most often cited issues are lack of mentorship and role models, lack of leadership training, and work going unrecognized. President Cruz’s testimony also drew on the Portrait Projects finding that the selection process for clerkships or law firm promotion – often a prerequisite for judicial consideration, involves not only measures of objective criteria but also access to mentorship and subjective criteria which are often amorphous factors that decision makers rely on to determine whom they regard as their proteges. President Cruz was joined on the panel by his Coalition of Bar Associations of Color (CBAC) colleague and Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) President Elia Diaz Yeager.


The National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), represents the interests of over 60,000 Asian Pacific American (APA) legal professionals and nearly 90 national, state, and local APA bar associations. NAPABA is a leader in addressing civil rights issues confronting APA communities. Through its national network, NAPABA provides a strong voice for increased diversity of the federal and state judiciaries, advocates for equal opportunity in the workplace, works to eliminate hate crimes and anti-immigrant sentiment, and promotes the professional development of people of all backgrounds in the legal profession..

Thank You to CLS-AABANY Pro-Bono Caravan Participants

AABANY extends its thanks to all members of the Columbia Law School community who participated in the CLS-AABANY Pro-Bono Caravan. The Spring Caravan was a weeklong volunteer effort from March 1 through 5 in which law students partnered with AABANY’s remote clinic to update AABANY’s COVID-19 resource pages, participate in client consultations with volunteer attorneys, and engage in research on consumer debt/foreclosure, immigration, housing, employment, and family law in New York. Through translating both AABANY’s COVID-19 materials and remote clinic intake calls, participating students made COVID-related information more accessible to laypeople, particularly those from minority and low-income backgrounds. The Caravan also offered students many professional development and networking opportunities in the form of an AABANY mentorship program, a meet and greet with the Pro Bono and Community Service Committee, and lunch with AABANY Student Leaders. 

Please see the flyer below for the list of participating students, their reflections on the Pro-Bono Caravan, and the participating attorney mentors. We thank all Caravan participants for their desire to give back to the community and look forward to continuing the fight for equal justice as a team.

AABANY Mentorship Program Hosts Welcome Reception at Fried Frank

On Wednesday evening, February 5, AABANY’s Mentorship Program held its Welcome Reception at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP.

Yang Chen, the Executive Director of AABANY, shared some words of wisdom and encouraged mentees to build informal mentorship relationships with their connections in addition to the formal pairings provided by AABANY’s Mentorship Program. Then, after learning more about how members can get involved with the program for the upcoming year, mentors and mentees from the program got together over drinks and hors d’oeuvres to reconnect, mix, and mingle with each other and other attendees.

Thanks to Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP for their generous support and for providing the drinks and refreshments for the event. Shruti Chopra and Tristan Loanzon currently serve as Co-Chairs of the Mentorship Committee. If you would like to learn more, please visit the committee’s page here.

NAPABA Prospective Partners Program Application Extended until Aug. 30!

The deadline to submit an application for the NAPABA Prospective Partners Program (PPP) has been extended! PPP aims to increase the number of Asian Pacific American partners at major law firms through introduction, mentorship, and relationship building. Between 2010 and 2018, 72 percent of PPP participants have been promoted to partner or moved to senior in-house positions—84 percent of them within two years of participation! Click here to read NAPABA’s success report

In anticipation of the program’s tenth year, the PPP is inviting candidate applications and nominations for participation in the PPP sessions taking place at the 2019 NAPABA Convention in Austin, TX from Nov. 7-10. The application will close on Aug. 30, 2019

Learn More and Apply Here

Deadline for the NAPABA Prospective Partners Program (PPP), August 15

The deadline to submit an application for the NAPABA Prospective Partners Program (PPP) is two weeks from today! PPP aims to increase the number of Asian Pacific American partners at major law firms through introduction, mentorship, and relationship building. Between 2010 and 2018, 72 percent of PPP participants have been promoted to partner or moved to senior in-house positions—84 percent of them within two years of participation! 
Click here to read our success report

In anticipation of the program’s tenth year, the PPP is inviting candidate applications and nominations for participation in the PPP sessions taking place at the 2019 NAPABA Convention in Austin, TX from Nov. 7-10. The application will close on Aug. 15, 2019

Learn More and Apply Here

2016 American Arbitration Association Higginbotham Fellows Program – Apply Now

2016 American Arbitration Association Higginbotham Fellows Program – Apply Now

The Legal Outreach Attorney Mentor Program, Apply by Aug. 24

Legal Outreach prepares urban youth from underserved neighborhoods in New York City to compete at high academic levels by using intensive legal and educational programs as a tools for fostering vision, developing skills, enhancing confidence, and facilitating the pursuit of higher education.

Legal Outreach wants you! Volunteer with Legal Outreach as an Attorney Mentor!

CONNECT with a NYC high school student, positively IMPACT their lives, and INSPIRE them to pursue higher heights!

To apply to be a mentor or for more information click here! Applications are due by August 24, 2015!

Special thanks to MBBA (Metropolitan Black Bar Association) for sharing this announcement with us.