AABANY Marches in the Third Annual AAPI Cultural and Heritage Month Parade in Midtown Manhattan

Photo credit: AABANY

On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, AABANY members and friends marched together in the Third Annual AAPI Cultural and Heritage Parade in Midtown Manhattan.

Around noon, our group gathered on West 44th Street and Sixth Ave at a designated meeting spot to line up for the parade. As everyone was arriving, the street filled with people anticipating the start of the procession, many practicing their dances, taking pictures with their groups, and enjoying conversation with the organizations around them.

Photo credit: Nandar Win Kerr

As we did in last year’s parade, we wore matching red t-shirts, the front showcasing the AABANY logo and the back printed with a large QR-code that directs onlookers to the AABANY Pro Bono website. To attract more attention, AABANY President Joseph Eng, along with his son Max and friend Alfred Kurtz, brought a Chinese lion head and a drum to perform a traditional Chinese Lion Dance during the parade. While waiting for the parade to begin, other marchers took pictures with the lion and enjoyed the music and dance as Joe, Max, and Alfred practiced for their performance. They also taught any willing members of our group how to do a lion dance and play the drums.

Photo credit: AABANY

Around 1:00 pm, we saw the floats in the front begin to move, excitement rising as our time to take the street drew near. Once we reached the entry point on Sixth Avenue, the drum was beating and the sun was shining, making it the perfect time to walk along the avenue with pride. Those who were shown how to perform the lion dance took turns with Joe and Alfred to operate the lion costume. Others helped Max keep the drum beat as our group marched. Everyone was enjoying the 10-block march, especially as we got to see the performances of other groups and the costumes they dressed up in, including an eye-catching panda suit.

After the parade, several of the participants enjoyed a family-style lunch at Tang Pavilion. The wait for the parade to start, followed by the march, especially for the lion dancers, took more energy out of us than expected, and the delicious meal at Tang Pavilion hit the spot.

Photo credit: AABANY

Thank you to the AABANY members and friends who celebrated AAPI Heritage Month by marching with us in this parade! For more photos and videos of our  group at the event, check out the album here.

Tax Club Dinner Returns to a Great Turnout on February 7th

The Tax Committee rebooted the Tax Club Dinner series on February 7, 2023, with a great turnout for dinner at Tang Pavilion.  It was the first in person dinner since the pandemic and the Tax Committee was happy to welcome old and new faces. 

Shiukay Hung presented an overview of domestically-controlled REITs, the typical structuring of such REITs, and recent proposed Treasury Regulations that may affect structuring of this kind. 

 It was great to be reunited, and the Tax Committee looks forward to regular dinners going forward.

Click here to learn more about the Tax Committee.

AABANY Tax Club Quarterly Dinner

AABANY Members enjoying the food at Tang Pavilion

On Tuesday, August 6, 2019, the Tax Committee held its quarterly Tax Club dinner at Tang Pavilion.  Daniel Ng, Senior Manager at KPMG, presented on issues related to Controlled Foreign Corporations prior to and as a result of recent tax reform as well as Global Intangible Low Tax Income.  The next Tax Club dinner will take place in the fall, and it is anticipated that the discussion will focus on estate planning and transfer tax issues.

The Tax Committee would like to thank everyone for coming out to this successful event. To learn more about the Tax Committee and how to contact the Co-Chairs, go to https://www.aabany.org/page/453.

AABANY Tax Club Dinner

On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, the Tax Committee held its quarterly Tax Club Dinner at Tang Pavilion. The diverse group of attendees discussed a wide variety of tax, business, and other non-tax considerations for qualified opportunity zones, a hot new tax incentive that promotes equity investments in certain designated low-income communities. Many qualified opportunity zones can be found in Asian communities, including Flushing, Sunset Park, and Chinatown in Philadelphia. It is anticipated that the next Tax Club dinner, during the summer, will discuss lending businesses and their tax implications for both U.S. and foreign investors.

To learn more about the Tax Committee and how to contact the Co-Chairs, go to https://www.aabany.org/page/453.

Thanks to Tax Committee Co-Chair Libin Zhang, Partner at Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, for providing the write-up and photo for this blog post.