On June 5, AABANY member Lou Russo moderated “Why Choose International Arbitration?” Panelists included Michelena Hallie (Viacom, Inc.), Suzanne Ulicny (ICC International Court of Arbitration), John D. Roesser (Alston & Bird LLP), and AABANY member Charles Yoon (Yoon & Kim LLP). The panel emphasized the importance of keeping in mind possible conflicts when the glasses are still clinking from a deal being closed. "Why Choose International Arbitration?“ discussed international courts, choosing international arbitration as an alternative to time-consuming litigation, and how an effective arbitration clause can be used. A reception followed. The event was attended by over 30 people and 1 hour of CLE credit in Areas of Professional Practice was available. Thank you to Alston Bird LLP for hosting, and all panelists, staff, and attendees who made this event possible.