On Nov. 19, AABANY hosted a joint committee fall networking event at Duane Morris, LLP, co-sponsored by AABANY’s Real Estate, Solo and Small Firm Practice, and Tax Committees. This was a great opportunity to network with people in other committees and learn more about the new Asia Practice Committee that is currently in formation. Thank you to all the organizers and everyone who made the event possible. Check out the social media updates below.
Quite a spread here at the fall #networking event. No one wants to be the first to bust up the sushi boat. Thanks to Duane Morris for hosting.
Margaret Ling and Cary Chan registering the attendees. #networking
Co-chairs of the host committees are all here. #networking
The rain didn’t deter these attendees at our fall #networking event co-hosted by the following committees: real estate, solo and small firm, tax and Asia practice (in formation).
Duane Morris Partner Yao Fu Bailey thanks everyone for coming. We thank her and Duane Morris for having us. #networking
Duane Morris Partner Chester Lee reminisces about the good old days when AABANY had dinners at Peking Park. #nostalgia