OK, we are getting everything into shape.  But how will you keep up the good work?  The paper just keeps coming.  It’s doable, here’s one tip for the paper you are done with – but cannot throw away:

TIP#4 Drop the all or nothing approach for filing REFERENCE paper.  Information, and now even work, can become obsolete a matter of months, weeks, or even days.  You do not need perfect files.  Reference paper simply needs to be sorted and separated by matter or subject, then filed generally.  I prefer expanding file pockets , which don’t “lose paper” and loose filing within the pockets in separate manila folders.  Do you HAVE to have labels other than handwritten ones?  Unfortunately, I do!  My handwriting is terrible.  So is my eyesight.  Consider using a label maker – since I’ve started doing this it takes me a fraction of the time to locate a file.  Again, these reference pockets do not need to be perfectly organized en masse.  The point is to get all the reference paper on a subject or matter in one place and to put it away, out of sight.  Reference paper is the only paper that goes where you can’t see it, in your drawer, file drawer or hallway file system.  If you are putting reference material in a shared space such as a hallway system make sure each pocket is clearly marked with your name.

Stay tuned, we’re wrapping it up in part 5!

In addition to being AABANY’s Administrative Assistant, Margaret Langston is a Professional Organizer.  Her business, BEAUTIFUL CORNER, offers full organization services for the home or small business.  BEAUTIFUL CORNER’s goal is help simplify the lives of its clients so that they may achieve optimum organization and full productivity at home and at work. BEAUTIFUL CORNER offers onsite and virtual service.  For more information go to www.beautifulcorner.com.

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