COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the mental health concerns of children and the epidemic of bullying impacting K-12 students across the country. As attorneys, NAPABA members are often asked to serve as a resource for those in need. ANTI-BULLYING RESOURCE GUIDE For lawyers, we have created a guide on responding to acts of bullying and harassment in K-12 schools. This guide and accompanying CLE webinar will provide you with model responses and a guide to working with impacted families. We thank our partners at the American Arbitration Association/International Centre for Dispute Resolution Foundation (AAA/ICDR Foundation) for their support of this project. We thank the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Pennsylvania, the Asian American Psychological Association, Act to Change, and the Sikh Coalition for offering their resources and guidance. Download the Guide here. IN-LANGUAGE ANTI-BULLYING POSTERS For students and families, we have created a multilingual poster on how to recognize and navigate the impacts of bullying. You can share this resource in your local community, with impacted families and students, and clients. This project was created in partnership with the Asian Pacific Islander Health Forum (APIAHF). Download the Toolkit here. |