World Journal’s Report on the AABANY/NYCLA Reception for Glenn Lau-Kee
知名律師劉德光之子劉藹明律師(Glenn Lau-Kee)去年當選紐約州律師公會(New York State Bar Association)2014年度主席,自去年6月1日起作為準主席(president-elect)累積經驗,並於今年6月1日正式開始主席職務。16日,紐約州律師公會及亞裔律師協會舉辦劉藹明就任慶祝活動,劉藹明鼓勵後進加入律師公會,幫助法律與時俱進、讓社會更公正。 64歲的劉藹明畢業於耶魯學院和波士頓大學法學院,1977年加入父親於1956年設立的Kee & Lau-Kee律師樓,他精通於地產和商業法,曾於1997年至1999年出任紐約亞裔律師協會主席。從去年6月1月起,劉藹明先出任紐約州律師公會準主席,今年6月1日…
Translated article:
On June 16, 2014, New York County Lawyers Association (NYCLA) and Asian American Bar Association of New York (AABANY) held a reception to congratulate Glenn Lau-Kee for becoming the first Asian American to lead the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA).
Glenn Lau-Kee graduated from Yale College and Boston University School of Law. In 1977, he joined Kee & Lau-Kee, PLLC, a firm founded by his father in 1956. Ever since, Lau-Kee has concentrated his practice in real estate and business law. From 1997 to 1999, Lau-Kee served as President of AABANY. On June 1, 2014, following his year as President-Elect, Lau-Kee assumed office as President of NYSBA.
In his reception remarks, Lau-Kee expressed his belief that the law should continue to change to keep up with modern times and innovative technology. In the upcoming year, he plans to make efforts to amend outdated and impractical laws. In his term as President, he also plans to better publicize the association and to attract more young attorneys to join. He personally intends to visit fifteen law schools in the state of New York to build a better connection between practicing attorneys and law students.